Health & Wellness

Can kidney or Gallbladder With Stones Dissolve with Ginger Compress?

Can kidney or Gallbladder With Stones dissolve with Ginger Compress

Kidney stones afflict more than one million people in North America every year. Conventional treatment typically is first to make sure that the kidneys are not in danger, then to wait for the stone to pass by itself. The National Kidney Foundation of the US states that 90% of all stones will pass in three to six weeks. Ginger Compress is good remedy to get rid of kidney Stone or Gallbladder With Stones.

Can kidney or Gallbladder With Stones Dissolve with Ginger Compress?

There could be no better way to get rid of toxins, dissolve kidney / gallstones and treat ovarian cysts and fibroids. Ginger compressions have been used for centuries, and they are often used in the treatment of chronic diseases such as poor blood circulation or back pain, rheumatoid, arthritis, swelling and muscle pain.

What Is Ginger Compress

Ginger compress is a fabric, preferably gauze, soaked in hot ginger water.

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Health Benefits of Ginger Compress

These aromatic compresses have numerous uses.

  1. Stimulate poor circulation
  2. Relieve backache, rheumatism, and arthritis
  3. Reduce swelling and soothe sore muscles
  4. Treat mastitis and ovarian cysts

How to Make Your Own Ginger Compress

To Make Ginger Compress You need the following These items.

  1. 120g fresh ginger root or 1 tbsp ginger powder
  2. 1 liter of water
  3. A large pan with a lit
  4. Grater (porcelain ginger grater or your regular cheese grater)
  5. 1 towel and 2 gauzes
  6. A cotton bag (you need to infuse the ginger in the pot)
  7. Rubber gloves

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How to Prepare

  1. Bring the water right below the boiling point, and put on the lit to provide constant temperature.
  2. Grate your ginger. Put it in the cotton bag, and close it with a string. The same applies to ginger powder. Soak it in the water.
  3. Turn the heat off, and seep for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Put your gloves, and carefully squeeze the “tea bag.”
  5. Now you have a liter of fresh ginger water. It’s time to do the compresses.

How to Apply the Ginger Compress?

First, get comfortable, because the treatment will last for 30 minutes. All you have to do is repeatedly apply the compress onto the affected area. Don’t forget your cloves, otherwise you may burn your skin.

  1.  Soak the gauzes in your ginger water. Squeeze any excess liquid.
  2.  Apply them onto the affected area, and cover with the towel. The towel should be dry. Remember, the compresses should be hot, but be careful, burning your skin is the last thing you need.
  3.  Keep the compress on for 3-5 minutes. Repeat Keep your skin warm the whole time.
  4.  Do your treatment for 20-30 minutes.

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How to Use

  1. Do this treatment for 5-10 minutes, depending on your condition.
  2. Repeat after a few days until your condition improves.
  3. If you’re treating ovarian cysts, do the treatment every day for two weeks.
  4. If you’re treating mastitis, apply the ginger onto the affected area three times a day until your condition improves.


  1. The water shouldn’t boil. Remember this, because ginger loses its properties at high temperatures.
  2. If your ginger water cools down, you can always reheat it but never boil it.
  3. You can grate the ginger into the water, but in this way you’ll have ginger bits all over the place.
  4. Fresh ginger is a better option, but ginger powder works, too.

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  • Don’t use ginger compresses on babies, pregnant women, and cancer patients.
  • Avoid using it near the brain area or if you’re dealing with fever.

Image Source: freepik

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